August Milestones
New scopes will be starting or continuing in August:
Site Pavers
Landscaping – All Month
Site Concrete (Sidewalks)
Site Retaining Walls – All Month
Site Fountains
Asphalt – Paving of roadways has been pushed to the end of August or Early September
Windows/Siding - J1-J2 Villas
Elevator Install - J3-J4/J5-J6 Villas
Rough MEPs - J1-J2 Villas
Fire Alarm Wiring
Exterior Flatwork
Flooring - J3-4/J5-J6 Villas
Xcel Gas Laterals
Pour footings and walls - R5 Cottage
UG pluming - R5 Cottage
Concrete window well set - R5 Cottage
Backfill - R5 Cottage
Basement slab pour - R5 Cottage
Garage slab pour - R5 Cottage
Front Porch slab pour - R6/R7 Cottages
Truss install - R6/R7 Cottages
Dry-in - R6/R7 Cottages
Start rough HVAC - R7 Cottage
Start rough plumbing - R7 Cottage
Start siding - R6/R7 Cottages
Construction progress aerial footage | July 2023
Trucking Impacts
Paver Material – Approximately 1 truck per week through the middle of August*
Rosch Retaining Wall Material – Approximately 2 trucks per week*
Pool Tile & Finishes – Approximately 1 truck per week*
Interior Doors & Trim – Approximately 1 trucks per week*
Balcony Railings – Approximately 1 truck per week*
Irrigation/Landscaping Material – Approximately 3 trucks per week*
Drywall delivery | Villas - Approximately 2 trucks per week*
Flooring delivery | Villas - Approximately 2 trucks*
Import | R5-R7 Cottages - Approximately 3 trucks 8/17/23*
Concrete Pour Dates:
Villas - 8/15 - 8/17
R5-R7 Cottages
Footing pour | R5 Cottage - 8/12/23
Foundation walls | R5 Cottage - 8/20/23
Calendar view of construction activities, including estimated truck numbers linked here. Dates are subject to change pending weather/other real-world variables. If dates change, the original will have a strikethrough. The new date will be shown after and updated on the monthly development article + construction calendar. Thus far, changes have been minor in the overall scheme of things, and we'll continue putting our best efforts toward maintaining that goal.
Trucking impacts with the * asterisk are semi-truck-sized vehicles, or considered to be heavy impact deliveries, and are required to use the dedicated Dellwood and Alpine routes through the project's duration. All other vehicles will use the best available public roads. Related truck routing articles:
4th Street Work / Public Access
Mapleton Work
Street traffic control impact on Mapleton – Complete on Wednesday 8/9/23
The sidewalk will be opened for public use by approximately 8/11/23
Construction progress aerial footage | July 2023